• postmaster3@kaigengele.com

Sell Excess or Obsolete Electronic Components

Complete Excess and Obsolete Stock Solutions for Electronic Components

“At least 1% of your revenue is tied up in excess or obsolete stock.

In the world of Electronic Manufacturing we find no two businesses are the same. For this reason, KaiGeng Electronics have created several different strategies that can be further customised to suit your company's aims and objectives when disposing of excess or obsolete stock.

Whether you are a $10M single site company or a multi-billion dollar Global organisation we have a solution that is right for you.

We work with existing EMS clients to help reduce any stock liability and ensure a reduction of stock returned to their customers.

Every OEM is different so we tailor a solution that best fits your business model.

No matter how you end up with Excess or Obsolete stock we are happy to help turn the stock back into cash.


Buy with Confidence

When you buy electronic components from KaiGeng Electronics you can relax in the knowledge that we can protect you from counterfeits. We offer our unique “100% Anti-Counterfeit Guarantee” because we only source product from large OEM and EMS companies that have very high levels of safety built into their supply chain process. Most of our stock is traceable back to the original manufacturer giving unparalleled levels of confidence. We don’t stop there! All of our warehouse staff are fully trained in counterfeit detection and have access to all the latest equipment to ensure that every item we sell is of the highest possible standard.

Search our entire database for your current requirements.

Access the best global prices via our exclusive service.

Reduce your costs by submitting your high spend components.


Other services we provide

We tailor our solutions to your precise company needs, delivering a personal service second to none.